CEEn 531 - Water Resources Engineering

Dr. Nelson

Advanced Delineation Homework Assignment

Complete the WMS tutorial for DEM Delineation.

Write a half page using the questions below as a guide and turn in on Learning Suite.

Watershed Delineation With DEMs 

  1. What are the three fundamental processes in the watershed delineation with DEMs?

  2. List some of the problems/subtle issues that might be encountered in the delineation from a DEM.

  3. List the WMS steps for watershed delineation using a DEM.  How are they automated in the wizard?

  4. Suppose that you and a colleague at work were given the same piece of DEM and the approximate location of a culvert (to be constructed) in this DEM and you both were asked to model the watershed upstream from culvert. As a first step in the modeling you will delineate the watershed from the given DEM. Would both your computed basin parameters be the same? Why?

Extra Questions:

Here are some extra questions for you to think about.

  1. When might you delineate a watershed using feature objects instead of a DEM? 

  2. What is the main purpose of using of TOPAZ in watershed delineation?

  3. How does the flow accumulation threshold affect streams?  How do you decide what value for threshold you should use?